Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Peculiar German Practices - Anthroposophy

The Anthroposophical Society sees themselves as <begin clip 1> "An association of people whose will it is to nurture the life of the soul, both in the individual and in human society, on the basis of true knowledge of the spiritual world."
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Rudolf Steiner
Anthroposophy gained it's foundations from Rudolf Steiner (1861 - 1925), an Austrian Philosopher. <begin clip 2> Rudolf Steiner, recieved and education at a village school in Neudorfl. After some time he moved on to the Veinna Institute of Technology. Steiner, withdrew from the university in 1883. One year before, a professor of his suggested Steiner studied a new compilation of Geothe's work. Eight years after he withdrew from Veinna Institute of Technology, Steiner received a doctorate of philosophy from the University of Rostock. His doctorate work was on Fichte's concept of Ego.

As a child, Steiner perceived to have seen a spirit of a dead aunt. It is said that he saw her before his family even knew of her death had occurred. This experience was the beginning in Steiner's study of Philosophy. At the age of 21 Steiner had an encounter with a herb gatherer. After this experience, was when Steiner began studying the work of Geothe as mentioned above. With these two things in mind, Steiner would become a Philiospher on Spiritual Activity and Naturalistic approaches to medicine and other scientific methods.
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<begin clip 3> Anthroposophy follows three basic steps in a process of development outlined by Steiner, these characteristics are imagination, inspiration, and intuition. Anthropology involves the nature of the human being. In this theory, the conscious and sentience of humans is housed inside the life body. Ego and self awareness represent the anchors which remind people of this connection. Anthropology aids in the reincarnation of the spirit. During the time spent on living on earth, "a complex transformation takes place between the review of the past life and preparation for the next life." this idea is closely related but independent from the idea of karma. Anthroposophy also views evolution, as an evolution of the human spirit, this idea meaning that, human beings are decedents of a spiritual being. Human evolution is suggested to be in a phase of heat, light, gaseous state, fluid, energy, and currently physical matter. Lastly there is a balance to be maintained. Good and evil are two poles and evil influences attempt to corrupt humanity and sway the balance.<end clip 3 ->

<begin clip 4> Biodynamic Agriculture is a method of organic farming that uses ideas from Antrhoposophy, and it was developed by Rudolf Steiner. Biodynamic Agriculture is intended to "restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony." For example, 10% of the farm acreage is set aside to be used as a biodiversity preserve. This land can be a a number of natural habitats, from a forest to a swamp. Other examples is the standards of crop rotation, no yearly crop can be planted in the same plot of land for more that 2 years without rotating. There are also more taboo examples of Biodynamic Agriculture in the cases of field preperation. Such as the horm manure preperation where a mixture of humas and cow manure is filled in a horn, this horn is buried in the fall and recovered in the spring. There is also another method for the spring where a horn is filled with powdered quartz, buried in the spring, retrieved in the fall.  <end clip 4 ->

<begin clip 5> Architecture is also a point of Steiner's Anthroposophy. These buildings contain a traditional set of architecture constraints. For example right angles are almost eliminated from building plans. The first Geotheanum (The first building to encompass ideas of Anthroposophy) was crafted by many boat builders, who were capable of making rounded hulls. Steiner employed this boat builders to create a rounded form which is significant in Anthroposohic Architecture. It is said that Steiner found these concepts of Architecture not from the physical world but through "abstract theorizing" of the spiritual world. 

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<begin clip> Medicine using Anthroposophy is regarded as naturopathy and it is refereed to as a an alternative medicine, which receives a lot of criticism. Naturopathy believes in vitalism, and idea that energy directs itself through the body. This idea is liken to Steiner's belief of the human spirit and its connection to nature. Examples of Naturopathy medicine is herbal and nutritional medicines, vapor therapy, and so forth. In 1921 a group of pharmacists and physicians started Weleda a company which distributes Anthroposophical medicines.  Naturopathy is a highly criticized field of medicine. 17 US states require licensee for Naturpathic doctors, while 2 states ban the practice of Naturopathy.<end clip ->

I found that this research was very interesting. We heard in class the practice of Anthroposophy in hospitals. I thought it would be interesting to study the man who invented it, and what are central ideas of Anthroposophy. I wanted to also research different areas of Anthroposophy to see what else it offers as  a science. I am very skeptical of this process, I do not know if I would ever use Anthropomorphic medicines. Even so, it was interesting to learn about and I wouldn't change much about this assignment. 

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